Every day, accidents happen due to carelessness on the job site. Sometimes it is as little as a minor cut or burn, but other days it can be a significant injury.

Your safety is your responsibility. If something doesn't' sound or feel right, something smells funny, or there is an odd taste in the air, stop what you are doing, and have a look. Your senses tell you a lot more than you think.

Always use the correct clothing, boots, gloves, helmets along with ear and eye protection.

A Clean Shop Is A Happy Shop

Good housekeeping can help prevent several types of hazards in the manufacturing and warehouse industries. Be sure to keep pathways clear to avoid slip and trip hazards. Trips and falls are the most common type of injury.

Most importantly, keeping aisles and pathways clear is a critical part of fire safety. The nature of warehouses makes them particularly susceptible to fires spreading quickly. All emergency exits need to be clearly marked and free of debris. This ensures everyone can leave in the event of an emergency.

Make sure the area you are working in is as dirt and oil-free as you can make it. This isn't the simplest of tasks in most shops, but taking the time to sweep, wipe down your area and take inventory of anything that might be combustible or flammable can save you and others from injury.

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Safety begins with awareness. Being alert and aware of potential hazards and safety issues are the first way to avoid workplace injuries.

This is especially true in high traffic areas such as loadings docks. Safety signs offer warnings to employees to keep them alert. These signs should be easily visible and free of obstruction at all times.

Tips For A Safe Workplace

  • Always follow the correct procedures
  • Never take shortcuts
  • Sit, stand, or walk using good posture to avoid fatigue.
  • Take responsibility and clean up if you made a mess.
  • Clean and organize your workspace.
  • Ensure a clear and easy route to the emergency exits and equipment.
  • Be attentive at all times to your work surroundings.
  • Never take risks when it comes to safety.
  • Obey safety signs, stickers, and tags.
  • Take short breaks when you keep up a repetitive motion for long periods of time.
  • Report injuries immediately to a supervisor and get assistance.